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When does a property valuation make sense?

The valuation of a property can be an important step in determining the value of an investment, be it when buying or selling or as a basis for decision-making. But when exactly does it make sense to carry out a property valuation? In this article, we at IMMOBILPOINT in Brixen provide an overview.



There are various reasons to have a property valuation carried out. One of the most common reasons is to buy or sell a property. A valuation enables both the seller and the buyer to determine a realistic value for the property and thus negotiate a fair price. In addition, a property valuation can also be helpful when financing a property. Banks and lenders often require a professional valuation to determine the value of the property as collateral for the loan. A property valuation also plays an important role in asset valuations, for example in the case of divorce or inheritance, in order to reliably determine the value of property assets. In any case, a property valuation is an essential tool for determining the value of a property and making wellfounded decisions.


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There are various methods for determining the value of a property. One of the most common methods is the comparative value method, in which the value of the property is determined on the basis of similar properties in the neighbourhood. Factors such as location, size, condition and fixtures and fittings are taken into account. Another method is the income capitalisation method, in which the value of the property is calculated based on the expected income from rent or lease. This method is mainly used for commercial property. Finally, there is the asset value method, in which the value of the property is calculated based on the cost of reconstruction or new construction. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages and should be chosen carefully depending on the type of property and the purpose of the valuation. A combination of several methods can often lead to a more accurate and comprehensive result.

In addition, there are supplementary methods and approaches for numerous special cases, which we at IMMOBILPOINT in Bressanone/Brixen and the surrounding area regularly deal with. These include determining the value of machinery in closed courtyards or a fire protection assessment.


Various factors play an important role in a property valuation. One of the most important factors is the location and surroundings of the property. A good location is the most important factor when it comes to the sales price. Another important factor is the condition and age of the property. A well-maintained and modernised property can have a higher value than a property that is outdated or in need of renovation. Market demand also plays a key role in property valuation.

Would you like to find out more about whether and which form of valuation is suitable for your situation and property in Bressanone/Brixen and the surrounding area? We would be happy to provide you with detailed information in a personal consultation. Contact us today!

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